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Or just Cook's.
We adopted her from the animal shelter.

She was two years old, and immediatly became part of the
She is very loving and very smart
We nad another cat at the time named Henry, they got along really well.

When Henry succumbed to a cat ailment and died, Cookie mourned his death. We adopted Fluffy from the animal shelter, to keep Cookie company; however, she wouldn't have anything to do with him. She was unhappy at Fluffy's presence, so she decided to move in to the garage. She still lives there.This is not the end of her adventures .When our other cat (Malish) grew up, he liked to visit and chase Cookie around the garage. Cookie was very unhappy at these turn of events, she remained in hiding for longer,and longer periods of time. I do not know why Malish liked Cookie, he tried to be near to her always. He would stay in the garage for the night sleeping very close to her.
Now for the first time after Malish passed away, Cookie can roam around freely. She likes to chase our other cats.


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